Hey there my dear friend Cyndee,
Its one year already for you my dear and what a journey you have taken. I am so very proud of you and all you have accomplished. Your an amazing person and I am glad to call you my friend.
Thanks for all your support in all you do here on the boards too!!!! You have done a great job on your journey to the losing side, and boy do you look awesome girlfriend!!!!
Keep up the good work and enjoy your new lease on life. HAPPY REBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!

Gosh, Cyndee...it's a year already!???!!!??! By the way you look (absolutely fantastic!), it's definately been a year!
I'm remembering a year ago today when you were having surgery and just beginning your journey...
You done good, girlfriend!
Soon, I'll be able to stop in and see you at work cause I'll be SO close! (and use the ladies room when all others around are locked!)