Hello, just found you all
Ah, I remember how insecure I felt when I first discovered the OH boards prior to my surgery. Insecurity is a waste of time and energy, my dear! Jump right in - tell us about yourself and let us know how we can help...or just share friendly exchanges about anything, that works too! Welcome, Melissa. M.
Well thanks y'all!!!
I don't actually know that many people in CT even though I live here, glad to find some locals.
So I'm 33 in Middlefield, family is in Guilford, most of my interests are solitary activities, thus probably the reason I don't know a whole lot of folks in my area! I like books and movies of the horror, sci-fi, psych thriller genres, love animals I have 2 dogs and a cat right now and would probably have more if I had a bigger house, I might be a computer geek, I'm divorced with 2 kiddos at home one being 7 the other 14. I know there is more to me I just can't think of anything else at the moment my brain is on the fritz I have to run out for an appt.
Will check in with everyone later, thanks again for the welcome.