Don't You Want a Spring Gala?
Hi, All!
There was a lot of talk at the beginning of the year about when our 3rd annual Spring Gala would be. People said that they were looking forward to it. So now it's 4 wks. from tomorrow and so far we've sold less than 50 tickets. At this rate, we're going to lose money and will never try this again. Where is everybody who said that they wanted to go? I hope it's just that the dance is on March 31st, so a lot of you thought to yourselves, "I'll get tickets in March." If I'm right, it's now March, so please get your tickets soon. They're available at the Hamden and Middlesex support group meetings, at Dr. Aranow's office or from me (e-mail me for my address so that you can send me a check and I'll mail you back your tickets). We must give the hotel our final headcount in less than 4 wks., so hurry up please...
Here's the info. again:
This is a fundraiser for ASBS (American Society for Bariatric Surgery). Money raised (along with money raised at our summer picnic) will be added to the money raised by the Walk from Obesity (to be held in Sept. 2007). Last year it contributed to CT raising more money than any other state!
Date: Saturday, March 31, 2007
Time: 7 p.m. - midnight
Location: Crowne Plaza, 100 Berlin Rd., Cromwell (seconds from Exit 21 off I-91... or several blocks from Rt. 9)
Cost: $25 per person
There'll be a DJ, cash bar and hot and cold hors d'oeuvres (with an emphasis on protein). For those who are compliant, there'll be sugar-free, caffeine-free, non-carbonated, non-alcoholic beverages available at the bar (besides water).
Everyone is welcome...pre-ops, post-ops, friends and family. If you don't want to dance (or can't), that's OK. There'll be tables and chairs enough for everyone, so you can sit and talk. Some will bring spouses or significant others, but plenty of us come alone. It's always a fun evening...a great way to celebrate how far we've come...doing things that we couldn't do (or do for long) as pre-ops. We get to spend time with friends from all over the state whom we only see several times a yr. (at best) and make new friends, too. Some of us enjoy getting dressed up and others come dressed more casually. It doesn't matter...being together is what matters.
Last year there were a lot of people who said that they'd be attending and would get their tickets at the door who then didn't show up. When that happens, it not only affects how much money we raise, but (since we have to guarantee at least a certain number of people by 3 days before the dance) we can also end up losing money. So this year we have to be more insistent about people buying tickets in advance.
Please get your tickets soon.
Thank you,