Before your surgery, did you.......
I'm curious ...
Before your surgery, did you make a point to have all the foods you liked? You know, like, your favorite foods?
Did you start early? Did you fine yourself holding off on those foods you knew you weren't going to be eating for a long time (if ever), again?
And no matter what you did, do you think it made it less difficult or more difficult once you had your surgery?
Thanks in advance

I ate ALL the foods I liked about 2 weeks before surgery - I had to do the liquid diet one week before. I do not regret it. I only did it for about a week - but I got in some of the things I knew I'd never be able to eat again - like a roast beef grinder - I can never eat one of those again as long as I live so I do not regret eating one before my surgery. I also ate a hot fudge brownie sunday and other 'no-no's' regrets here! I know that it probably wasn't the best thing to do - but oh well - it wasn't like I was on a month long eating frenzy - it was several strategically planned meals that I threw all caution to the wind and pigged out - I felt like total crap afterward on several occasions. I do not miss that gorged, bloated, stuffed gross feeling...........I'm glad that is out of my life. I do occasionally miss eating bread - the soft white bread that gets stuck behind your top teeth - but I get over it - it's like smoking - I sometimes think about how much I used to love taking a drag on a smoke - especially after eating - but I get over it - it becomes a fleeting thought that enters my mind and I quickly bru**** out of there - sort of like having a little broom brushing the addictive thoughts away!
I do not think my bad food choices made my surgery more difficult - but we are all different. A couple more days of eating crappy added on to years of it really didn't impact me.
Don't let me be a bad influence on you though - because only you can truly know the right choices for you!!
Best of luck to you!

Before surgery I did have a few of my favorite foods but in moderation. I had already gone through a period of pigging out about 6 months prior to my surgery and wanted to try and get in better control before hand. Several weeks before surgery I stopped drinking soda and caffiene products. I started to eat on a smaller plate and to chew chew chew my food like I knew I would have to do after surgery. Also I started practicing no fluids 30 minutes before eating and 1 hour after and started taking a multivitamin. All little things but helpful in getting ready for my new way of eating after WLS.
If you really need to have a treat, do it, but try not overdo. I know that they checked my weight and did not want to see any gain before hand as they felt that you wouldn't be commited to a life time change of eating habits if you had a significant weight gain prior to surgery.
We are all only human. Do your best.
Best wishes on your weight loss journey.
Hi Bev,
Well, I had Dr Aranow, and he meets his patients right in the beginning of the process and he tells you how much weight he wants you to, I went on South Beach and lost my weight and a bit more...That was from late June until my surgery in last Sept. I did almost all protein and rarely any carbs...but, I had an occassional "little of this and of that" just to have it "one last time"...but, to tell you the truth, After recovery and the weight loss is basically over, I don't deprive myself of anything. This isn't like a diet, it's a tool.
I do dump on too much sugar and fat, so I only have a couple bites of my favorite sweet things when they are around (like a party). Anything more, ruins it for me. It's fine and dandy for me to just have two bites of cheesecake and savor it in my mouth and then I'm satisified and dont' want it again until the next holiday!
I've found that if I don't deprive myself of small amounts, I don't crave as often and don't find myself grieving for what I can't have. Well rounded diet, I say.
I don't keep any sweets in the house, and only have sugar free popsicles or fudgicles if I want some ice cream, etc. Sugar free chocolates are tough cause they can have a lot of fat in them and cause diarrahea from the sugar alcohols (the sorbitols or any artificial sweetener with a " tol" at the end of it.
The day before my surgery (we don't have to fast with Dr Aranow). I did go to my favorite seafood restaurant right on the dock of Pt Judith here in Rhode Island and had twin lobster! No sides...just all of the meat....oooo, oooo, so good.
I've had lobster one time since surgery. Great source of protein. I don't order the sides. I don't need them!
Good luck.
Hi Bev,
I had open RNY so didn't have to fast except after mid-night before my surgery.
I personally chose to eliminate my trigger foods & get them out of my system before surgery so I wouldn't crave them. For me personally it was the BEST thing I did. I went through severe carb & sugar with drawal for over a month. Sweats, shakes, mood swings was GOD awful but once I was off the stuff felt so much better. I
realize it was an addiction for me.
I started a about 6-8 months before my surgery to help me get prepared. No carbination, started getting into the habit of eating "protein" first, no refined carbs...pasta, breads,etc... no sweets unless it was sugar free pudding or something simular.
I lost 10 pounds before surgery. For me abstaining & getting rid of my triggers really helped prepare me emotionally/physically for the change that came with WLS.
I did have a few of my favorite foods a week before surgery... in moderation & I enjoyed it. I didn't "PIG" out or think it was the last time I was going to eat those things. I can now if I choose to, just less... & I find I don't enjoy them as much as I did prior to surgery.
I eat mostly organic, high protein, and have been going more towards vegetarian food lately. I get sick of eating meat & have been going meatless or close to it the past 2 months & found I feel SOOO much better physically. Veggie burgers are pretty darn good, lower in carbs and VERY high in protein. Something I NEVER would have had before my surgery.
I do have my "slips" and find right around "that time of the month" I can easily eat carbs...I crave them..& need to keep the "beast" out of my life as much as possible. I do have occasionally a 1/4 piece of whole grain bread or crackers & I find this really helps along with keeping variety. I've found some whole grain pasta that I'll have once in a while (very limited) that helps & is pretty darn yummy with crushed tomatoes & garlic.
Once you have the surgery & get to know your pouch and new eating habits, you'll find what works for you...what you can tolerate & what you can't. The pouch is a wonderful tool and keeps me honest. I'm almost 2 years out & there's somethings I still cannot tolerate.
Best wishes & remember you can "eat" after surgery. Everyone is different with thier tolerances. For me, I choose to play by the rules of the pouch as much as possible. It works best for me.
Enjoy your journey,
I had just finished my ketosis diet at about 3:00pm when my surgeon's assistant said, "you have to start your 1000 calorie diet tomorrow". I thought I would have more time to get in all the foods I wanted. Well, I was in New Haven for the apointment. I went to New Britain for my favorite pizza (Elmer's) and stopped at Wendy's on the way for a Junior Bacon cheeseburger. After that, I stopped at the Hooters on the Berlin Tpk for some wings. I figured I would never have them again.
I feel really foolish now because I can have all those foods now. I just don't really get along with the wings because of the grease content. Anyway, I did hold on to the food until the last minute but I did not need to.
Hi Scott
I like what you said about being able to have all the foods you enjoy again (cept the wings). It kinda helped me to put things into perspective, that it's not necessarily a forever thing. I guess i have been so "here and now" with my thinking...
I did go to Margaritas, in Mystic, last week. I had to have the nachos cowabunga once more before surgery.
And to everyone:
thank you all for your thoughful and helpful posts..... you are a wonderful source of encouragement and inspiration for me.