Imma join a gym next month
Ok before you say do it now, I am getting a bonus from work and I am using that for the membership no matter what the sh says. I have 2 friends from work that belong to this gym and they have a blast going and I need someone that will encourage me to go. The best thing is that this place is open 24 hours and so we can go after work.
I am so excited. I am making changes so that the hubby can see that I can do this. Oh and he said that having the surgury is a cop-op. (Can hear the comments now)

Kathy, I can relate to someone close to you saying negative comments. Try and ignore them. You will show them that you can succeed and when they see all the positive changes you are making and how hard you are working at changing your life they will come around and start being supportive. If for some reason they don't, you can always come here and get some support when you need it. Also by attending support meetings you can get some extra support if you need it.
You have made another positve step in changing your life by joining a gym and having friends around to encourage you can only help motivate you to continue.
Keep up the good work.
Joining a gym is just the start...You gotta go too!!!!
Lol...I say that from personal experience.......Boy is it hard to get my butt to the gym..And it's not because I dont like to exersize..I DO...and I do it on my own...But going to the gym gives me a better workout, re-energizes me, and makes me feel so accomplished! So why the heck do I only go once a week?? Beats me, but try to turn it into a routine.
I wish your husband were more supportive, but even if he isn't, don't let that bring you down. You need to do what you need to do for yourself...Who cares if HE feels it's a cop-out. I have to be honest with you, I felt like it was a cop-out when I finally decided to have the surgery. I felt like I was giving up on myself by having WLs...DUH!!!
I could not have been more wrong!! Instead of me giving up, it meant that I REFUSED TO GIVE UP on myself! My life now is so much more ......I am so much more.....more alive, vibrant, happy, LIVING!!!!
I lost weight, but the things I have gained are more important to me.
I gained Health, and healthy habits...
I gained self-esteem, self-confidence...
I gained the ability to LIVE life, not just be a by-stander..
I re-gained the ability to set goals for the future, something I had stopped doing when I was morbidly obese, because all my mental energy was directed at just getting through the pain,,
I gained ME!!!
My husband has been supportive at times, not supportive at times..he was not too thrilled about me having this surgery...But guess what?? He gained the new ME too!!
So there.
I do go on today.....
Hang in there and good luck!!!
P.S. Consider coming to the Gala.
LOL Momo you always make me laugh and I know I think he would make him see the light.
The seminar was wonderful and well he's not too hard to look at either. I loved him because he has a sense of humor and you could tell that he's not afraid to use it. I like a doctor that shows a human side and is not just all business. To me it means he sees us as people and not just a number or in his case one more surgery to brag about.