Friday's Food Log
Its Friday! "Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Its a "Brisk" 10 degrees outside as I write this so remember to bundle up and don't forget the "Chap Stick "!
B Small bowl of oatmeal
S Cheese stick
L 4oz's beef stir fry
S protien shake after gym
D Cooks night off, will see what the "Misses" comes up with.
Decaf and Hot Tea to keep "Hydrated. Going to be a killer cold day out there. Everyone be careful! Have a Great Weekend!

Hi Dorota - Do you normally sitck to mostly liquids all day or this just today? I'm just curious?
I'm doing liquids today too because I had a fill on Weds. So my day looks just yours - I think I'll just say "ditto"!
Heading to the casino tonight with my honey - Nathan is sleeping at my Mom's tonight
Stay warm!

Tammy, I don't usually do liquids...But this week I have been having a "grouchy pouchY"...Which means I have been getting pretty sick eating anything solid...It gets like this sometimes..doesn't last too long usually...But been sticking to liquids all week.
Actually, I was finally able to eat more normally today(normally for me that is) and ended up having a turkey hot dog for lunch, and a chicken sausage with spinach for dinner...
Finally some real food.....and so far, no discomfort or nausea, so I think grouchy pouchy is giving me a break.
I did however go walking today...YES, even in the cold weather,,,,Seems there is no stopping
Walked 15 minutes in the morning, another 15 minutes in the afternoon....and let me tell you, that afternoon walk kicked my butt...That wind!!!!!BRRRRRR!!!!
Hmm, Stubborness is the only thing that keeps me going some days... You know, I work on the third floor, and have to go up and down the stairs about 10 times each day. I have ""Decided"" that my building does not have an elevator. So I run up those stairs every time. It really helps making little changes like that. The same with my daily walks...I have told myself I walk everyday, so I do...Mind over is simplistic, silly, and completely effective for me. same thing with the push ups. I do them....So knowing that, I keep doing them....I am easily manipulated, especially by
(well, maybe only by myself, since I know exactly which buttons to push).....
Find what works for you, and be stubborn about doing it. It becomes a habit in no time.
Really hope to see you at the Gala.