Question for Dr. A's Patients
Hi all, I have a question for those of you who had open RNY w/ Dr Aranow. How long did it take your internal stiches to heal??? I am about 10 weeks out now and am still having trouble wit hpulling my internal stitches. Its just the ones to the right side of the incision. I will feel fine, no pain and then do somethind stupid like carrying a laundry basket up the stairs or vacuuming and the next day I am in major pain. I take it easy till I eel better then do it again! Did this happen to any of you? How long did it last?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Hi Buffy,
I had some tenderness for about 2 1/2 months. When I hit month 3, something happened like a light switch was turned on. I felt better physically, mentally, everything just clicked.
With that being said, you should be careful you don't have a hernia. It could be more than just normal healing. When you go for your check up, definately have him check you out! ;)
I would say about 3 months for me. I think I may have pushed it a bit though, I went to they gym at 6 weeks and think I may have pushed too hard too fast. I really hurt myself painting a wall, just moved the wrong way I spose. After about 3 months though it was smooth sailing. Take it easy, hope you feel better soon
OH MY GOODNESS...THAT WAS YOU! the meeting...thought you looked familiar, but my memory is soooo bad sometimes that I just don't trust it! Please promise to take it easy and avoid strenuous stuff till you confirm your situation with Dr. A....and KEEP COMING TO THE GROUPS!! It's nice to see faces from the OH site at the meetings!
Take care,

even up to 5 months out I would feel a pulling now and again when I really pushed the envelope physically- as a nurse it's not hard to do. He'll tell you it's normal- that you have to remember even though you are healed on the outside he's cut thru and sewn up multiple layers of muscle and tissue- if pain persists and/or you feel any bulging or have other troublesome symptoms you do want to give Lois a call and run it past her and Dr Aranow. He's gotten lotsa belly mashing in on me this past week it's time he found another belly to mash- so why not yours?
Grrrr, Deb! I really wanted to meet you! Next time just come up to me and say hi! I looked around for you and my memory failed me too! Dorota was looking for you too!
Thanx for the advice guys, I am going in to see Dr. A tomorrow. The pain is bad...real bad. The only position I was comfortable sleeping in was on my back ..then my back hurt and Id roll on my side and be in agony. Then my hubby rolled over and laid his head on my stomach...I woke out of a dead sleep screaming at him. Apparently I said some not nice things!!! So Ill go to the guy who knows and keep ya posted.
Looks like I just pulled a muscle! Dr. A said the stiches should be disolving by now and that I probably just overdid it and it should heal on its own!!! He had gotten my blood work already and tat looks "perfect" in his words!!! I don't need to go back for 3 months and I couldn't be happier. Thanks to you all for the advice and support. *hugs!*