Can we eat oranges after bypass? I can't find my packet from Dr. A and I ate a few this week (with no problems) but now someone has told me that they will cause ulcers. I am panicking....they said that you would feel fine until you wake up dead from a bleeding ulcer. EEK!!! Help guys? Should I be panicking or is this someone who is being dramatic?
how do you wake up dead?
Eat whatever you like at this point, an orange is fine orange juice is not. (too much concentrated sugar where as the orange itself is more fibrous therefore less of a sugar dump on your system) Liz will tell you at 6 months out you should be eating a normal diet (normal POST op diet that is) protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grain based carbohydrates, in that order. Keep away from white flour and sugar, avoid fatty fried foods- have a nice salad and some fruit. It will do your body well.
Stop listening to the numb nuts who told you that you'd wake up dead from a bleeding ulcer. First of all - if you are dead, you are not going to wake up. Second of all dying from a bleeding ulcer is very difficult and will certainly take more than a few oranges.
Third of all you don't feel fine with a bleeding ulcer before you die from it (which again is a highly improbable way of dying)
If this person who told you thisa patient of Dr Aranow's I want a name so I can report them to Dr Aranow. He'll want to know. Call the office on Monday and make an appointment with Liz. You need nutritionist follow up.
Thank you so much. I have been doing really well, I think sometimes people feel the need to say these mean things just to try and shake my confidence. This "numbnut" is not one of Dr. A's patients, but a know it all none the less. I really appreciate your response!!!!
Thanks so much,
PS: You totally made my night...i cracked up when you said that if you die you won't wake up dead
...i think i may just use this retort the next time she says it

MOMO said it, you'd know if you had an ulcer before it started to bleed, believe me...I've had one post op...But, Dr A took care of it immediately!
I love Clementines (little oranges in the boxes)...they're a great size and I don't dump on them.
Keeps the bowels moving for me, too!