New Years Resolutions
Anybody make any New Years Resolutions? Mine is to catch joy whenever and however I can-each and everyday. Anybody out there that wants to share?
Actually I read somewhere that there is no sense in making them because the majority of people don't keep them. But I am beginning my new year with hope. So here goes. Linnie
Hope and possibility...
That leaves your world wide open.
Bravo Linnie.
Here's my take on New Year's Resolutions...
I would rather look at how I have changed over the past year...
What improvments have I made? Acknowledge them... give myself a few pats on the back... this give me that HOPE and POSSIBILITY.
Rather than look at what I am lacking in... what I resolve to change because I perhaps failed at it ... which gives me the feeling of "you shoulda".
Not as positive... not as encouraging.
So after I make my list of "you done well" stuff accomplished over the past year...
I am FREE to make a list or begin thinking of all the possible ways I can continue to GROW and CHANGE over the coming year.
Always a work in progress.
Good question Linnie and a great attitude to start your new year!
I gave up resolutions - I've decided that I will make goals for myself but not resolutions - they just conjur up years upon years of failed diet resolutions.....
So my goal is to be a little better this year then last as far as how I treat myself - My goal is to treat my body better - better food choices, more water, more movement. I know it's a lose goal - but there it is!
Happy New Year!