Happy Holidays
Good morning everyone and a very merry, healthy, happy and prosperous holiday season to all my friends here at OH.
I'm up real early (since 5 am) waiting for the phone calls from my daughters telling me all the grandchildren are up and I can start delivering their gifts. I so enjoy this part of Christmas watching their faces when they open their gifts. Sometimes I'm reminded of Little Ralphy and his brother from A Christmas Story when they open the packages containing socks, look at each other and then toss them over their shoulders. I always make sure part of their presents are essentials like socks, underwear, etc. They aren't impressed but I know their parents appreciate the little boost in their "personal" wardrobes.
Anyway, I digress. My best wishes to all first of all for a healthy Christmas and New Year (if you have good health you have everything), and I hope Santa is extra good to you all.