I made it! I'm HOME! I'm on the losing side!
Hi everyone! Thanks for all your kind words and support! I had my surgery (RNY) on MOnday, came home Wednesday and today I haven't even needed pain med--well, ok, a little liquid tylenol. I am drinking, drinking drinking with sips, relaxiung and just not believeing that this is over with ! I see the surgeon on Monday for staple removal, J/P removal (I hope) and PICC line removal. I can't wait to get weighed! How did you guys all do your first week? I don't want to be too disappointed!
Don't worry if you don't see alot of weight loss the first week. They pump you up with fluids while your in the hospital to keep you hydrated. You will be pleasantly suprized just how fast the weight starts falling off. Just stick to your doctor's instructions and you will be fine ! Best of Luckas you start your "Journey"