Hello Everyone,
Well I am so excited!! Today is my Re-Birthday!! Nov. 7. One year ago today I had my gastric surgery. And I have left behind 132 pounds!! WWHHHOOOOOO!!! I am a much better person because of my surgery. And I will live a longer life healthy. When I first had my surgery, I would read the post and envy the "re-birthdays" and said, next year I can post mine. Well Here I am!! It has been a great year and very worth it. My friend Kris also had her surgery the same day, same doctor. I was first then her. She tells everyone Dr. Barber practiced on me then perfected on her! I Love You Kris!! We met through this surgery and will stay friends forever.There is so many of you that have helped me with minor problems. Julio, you are the greatest. I am glad I got to meet you at the walk from obesity. Cynthia, Kathy, Kris, Toni, Towanda, Thank you for all the support. And everyone here on the Ct board. I love reading all the post and just reading them has helped me. I don't always post, BUT I am here regardless. You all are GREAT!!!!
Hugs to all,
Sarah Parker