Home Again!
Hello Everyone,
Well I had my TT on Friday. Everything went without a hitch. It was a little over 5 hours long and overall I feel pretty good. 2 1/2 pounds of skin was removed and she took out (as she described) about 1 1/2 cans of "coke" fat out of my back bumper.
I have two drains in me & hopefully will get those bad boys out today. I can definately see a BIG difference in my appearance & my new belly button will be adorable once it is all healed up. She also lifted my "thighs" up too something I wasn't expecting and dispite being swollen like a balloon I can see the change in appearance!
My PS is just awesome...she rolled me in the operating room, stayed with me while I fell asleep, was in recovery the whole time and stayed awhile with my husband & I in my room...I was lucky and had a private room! (I think she pulled some strings)
I'm in no real pain except I'm uncomfortable where the drains are (Stingy) No real appetite but trying to concentrate on high protein for healing. Not to be gross but finally had some "movement" this morning...That was the worst part I think..UGH!
It's my wedding anniversary today and hubby has been taking good care of me. He's been a trooper during the whole WLS process. I couldn't have done it without his love & support.
Will be out of work for possibly 2 weeks. I'm not pushing myself the way I did with my hernia repair in June.
Have a good day all,

Hey Mickey,
I was thinking of you on other day and is wondering how are you doing. Glad to hear everything went great for you. Email me private and show me your TT picture when you are well enough. The swollen were expected this and it will take time to go down and you will be very happy to see your teenager stomach
Now we are rooting to our Chef Julio for his TT surgery on Nov 16th
Take care and enjoy being pampering now by your hubby!
Happy Anniversary
Kathy K

Hi Kathy,
I don't have the technology to email pictures unfortunately. I never had a teenage stomach before so this will be a first for me!
I need to slow down a little...I know I'm over extending myself. It's hard to sit still when I'm constantly on the go go go all the time.
I'm finding I'm getting tuckered out pretty quickly and taking alot of naps.... something I'm not used to since I've lost the weight.
After my checkup with Dr. Jambor we went out to lunch...got pooped just from that and came home & took a LONG nap.
We're going to celebrate our anniversary at a later time when I'm feeling up to it. We usually go away to a B&B up in Sturbridge. Maybe in the winter we'll go once I'm more healed.
Gonna go make some chicken soup.
Hugs back at you,

Hi Cyndee..
LOVING your new picture! GORGEOUS!
I can't wait for the swelling to go down so I can see my toes...tee hee...
Drains came out today & I go back next week for a check up. Dr. J says everything looks good...but is concerned I'm not "slowing down" enough...hard to sit still some times.
Hope you all have a great time at the Halloween party...wish I was going...love to get dressed up!

hey neighbor,
thanks for the compliment,,i am going to miss you at the party,,sure wish you were gonna be there,,we will take lots of pics to share with you...i get really good discounts here,so who knows...maybe we will have another one here,,so far,it looks like its gonna be a good turn out,,if everyone that replied is comming,we have about 50-60 people.13 of which are staying..sucks that i have to work at 7am and do a double shift besides,,but i am going to have a blast anyway...see you soon i hope,,,,take care,,and hurry and put up the new pic...cyndee
Hi Tammy,
I went to Colleen Jambor in Enfield. My surgery was done at Johnson Memorial in Stafford. What a NICE hospital! Everyone was terrific and I had some great nurses very upbeat & friendly.
My PS is new to Johnson. She was my first choice and glad I choose her. She's very down to earth and caring.
JULIO you're up in a few weeks!
Got my drains out today...that smarted a little but feel like a million bucks now that they're out! I get tired pretty quickly though. I have my very fashionable "girdle" on and have a huge foam piece on my "bumper" for support. It's actually very comfortable & the extra support feels GOOD!
Take Care,

Hey Mickey,
So glad to hear your TT was a great success. I am so very happy for you. Congratulations you sexy momma you. I am so jealous. Cant wait for my time to come. Hopefully next year.
Next is my big brother Julio, and then Maryjo R's hubby. I wish them all the best. All these sexy bodies are just so wonderful.
Congrats again to you and I hope to see you again soon. Will miss you at the party this Friday. We will be thinking of you sweetie.
Hugs to you.