Having Surgery in less then 2 weeks, any advice??
Hey guys! I'm having surgery in less the 2 weeks.I've been waiting over 6 months and i can't believe that i'm finally going through with it. I just got a call back from the insurence a few days ago saying it has been aproved, almost 10 minutes later the doctors office called and said they have scedualed my surgery in 2 weeks! everything has been going SO SLOW until now...WOW! Funny how the date of the surgery falls on my birthday... lol Halloween. I hope that's a good sign. I just wanted to know if anyone had any advice for me?
Hi Kelly-
Congratulation on your date!
My advice is to go into surgery with a positive attitude ready to embrace all the wonderful changes you are going to encounter on your journey on the "Losing Side".
I had my surgery only 10 weeks ago, but even in this short time, the changes is my mobility, my self confidence, and my embracing life more fully amaze me.
You have all of us here on the chatboard for support.
Again congratulations on your journey so far and wishing you nothing but success, serenity, peace, and joy as you contiue your journey.
Congrats Kelly on your upcoming surgery date!
You will be in good hands with Dr. Craig Floch.
Wonder if he will wear a costume the day of your surgery!
I know! wear a mask into the hospital or put on one of those cute little eye masks in the prep room for when he comes into check you before surgery. Only kidding.
I checked out your profile page.
Your before photo... is that a mammo photo?
Silly advise...
Good luck.

Bring magazines to read in the hospital...No books, You'll be too tired to read a book...Magazine articles are just short enough...Bring Chapstick,,,Your lips will get really dry...A back-scratcher was helpful to me (and no, I don't mean my husband
..Other than that, just bring a good attitude, and walk, walk, walk..Walking before the surgery will help your body get stronger, and walking after will help you heal...
Good Luck on your Journey........
Oh, and the most important key to WLS success is: Support...whether you attend support groups or come here, or do both, it makes a big difference....At least it has for me,

Kelly- We have peer-lead post-operative support group meetings at Norwalk Hospital that are free and open to the public on the first Wednesday of every month (in the first floor volunteer conference room) and on the third Monday of every month (in the fourth floor pediatric conference room).
All of these meetings start at 6 p.m. Many of us find that meeting with just our peers helps in gaining some encouragement and in figuring out practical ways to handle some of the stresses that arise in trying to craft an entirely different approach to food. Consider joining us (in addition to the structured aftercare of FCB).