Before & After Pix on Profile Introduction
Well, I've been obsessively working on the new profile....I think I am about to be banned from the computer by my family.....
But I now have it where I want least for now....
Check it out for me please.
The introduction has a before & after picture...It may not load right away at first. When I first tried it, it only showed the top half of the pictures...Now it seems to be working better for me...Let me know if it works ok for you.
Hope you like it....will add more stuff as I figure it out.
Love, Dorota
OMG Bette.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just checked out your profile......What you said about my two pics not looking like they could be from the same person..Right back atcha.....WOW!!!
And, what a booty
!!!! The pictures at the beginning of your profile are just awesome...
I love the pose ....
Couldn't see the pictures at the bottom........
Did I say WOW yet?????????

LOL! Yeah, you may have mentioned it.
The thing is, when I look at MY pics, I see the same person, but in a much smaller form, and somewhat younger form - like the "new me" is a niece of the old me.
But with other people's pics, like yours, I see two different people. (laughs) Plus, you cheated by changing your hair color.
Thanks for the booty comment, too. If you had told me three years ago that I would VOLUNTARILY point my patootie at a camera, AND allow a picture of it to be taken, I would have told you to put down the bong. Not only did I do THAT, but for one pic, I pulled my shirt up over my head and, later in the photo session, when I needed to change into my "big pants", I just "dropped trou" right there in front of everyone - thong and all. (giggles) I'm such a tramp and am, officially, shameless.

Thank you Julio...You know, it has taken me this long to be comfortable enough with myself to actually post a real "before" pic....Like ,what the heck was I afraid of? We are all pretty much in the same boat here.....But I just really hated seeing myself the way I used to be. It still makes me feel a bit "off".......But hey, I took inspiration from you, and Kathy, and others here and decided to just "do it"...
Can't wait to see you at the Halloween Party!!!!!!
It's gonna be a blast for sure!