Anyone have clothes to donate?
I was on the local Freecycle website the other day, and there was a Middletown woman on there who is looking for size 28-30 clothes: shirts, pants and sweaters. Condition, as she puts it: "not stained or ripped, broken zippers. etc. cause i don't sew. a missing button i can do."
If anyone has stuff they want to get rid of, I'll be happy to email you her contact information.

Hey Bette,
Awww shucks, I just mailed a whole bunch of stuff to another member here on the boards. I wish I still had some, so very sorry. I kept one thing for memories.
You look amazing by the way. I absolutely love your new photo. WOW girl, what success you have had. Your my hero.
Take care and if I here of anything I will let you know. Sometimes I get clothes donations at work, I work in Community Services so I will keep an hear open.
Take care and keep up the good work.