For those on weight maintenance
Hi everyone!
Hope you're enjoying this spectacular fall weather we're having.
Thought I'd pass on an article regarding a recent study on maintaining weight loss.
Very interesting results!! Now Kathy K - don't shoot the messenger!!!
Hugs all!!!
Thanks for an informative article. From a Brown prefessor to boot!
I've always weighed myself a lot. I've never driven myself crazy by doing it, though. I find that as long as the scale is going down or staying put, I'm ok..and for a year, it's been doing that. It's just recently (at the one year mark) that it's hanging around the 203-205 mark..I'm fine with this stall, and especially fine with it cause it's not gone up further than that. I've indulged in the past week at the cider mill (cider donuts, apple crisp, etc) and in the past, just one bite would have put on 5-10 pounds.
I believe that weighing often helps to keep people on track. Some disagree, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Hi Carla
I laughed what you said to me !
I won't shoot you
but you know me well about weight scale!!!
SMILE!!!! I still go weight myself once a monthly. I can tell weight by wearing my pant... If I feel it is little too tight from my pant then I will work harder. If my pant is very losing then I am happy. No hard feelings and feel free to tell your opinion here
If people prefers to weight themselves to help them to control their weight maintenance then it is great for them
How much I lost the weight numbers is not important but the most important is I feel great, enjoy my life with no health issues and keep exercise almost everyday helps me not feeling guilty.
Thank you for posting this article Carla

Hi everybody! Thanks Carla for the info. I imagine "To Weigh, or not to Weigh" has alot to do with a person's mindset. If your the type of person who will "Stress Out" at the thought of seeing the scale move the wrong way I would imagine that wouldn't be the way you would want to go. Then again , If it doesn't bother you that the scale is moving in the wrong direction and can just use it to "Tweak" your diet. Go for it!. Whatever works for the individual, that's what is important. Hope everyone has a great weekend!