One year ago today...
I became a new person....My surgery wasn't until 2pm, so, I was out of it from then on. I hated my recovery and hospital time, but, I can't complain now, a year later...
I can't believe it's been a whole year already.
From a 30/32W, 330 + lbs (my scale only went up to 330 and I'll never know if and how much more I really weighed)
Now, I'm hovering at 203 and am wearing a tight 14 and a Large in tops.
I just bought a new wool winter coat the other day (in the VT building at the BigE) from a really fine manufacturer of wool and I tried on the XL and the woman said, "honey, that's way too big, get the LARGE!" Wooo HOOO!!!! A large! This is a huge accomplishment for me. I've never been a small or medium person, anyways, so, that doesn't bother me to be a Large. There's even room in it for sweater wearing.
It'a a beautiful black wool coat with a colorful plaid flannel lining and turned up sleeves and hood. Bob loved it.
I feel so differently now and I love this feeling. Back to the feeling I used to have in my teens and 20's.
My 43rd birthday is on Monday, so, this is a great anniversary and birthday for me.
I'm glad that today I'm not all drugged out and sick from the meds and hurting...It's over and the weight is gone and I feel fine! Thank, GOD!
I couldn't do the "walk" last year cause I was still in the hospital, this year, I'm THERE!!
Hi Paula! have alot to Celebrate this weekend!
First of all Congratulations on all yoru accomplishments this past year! You have come so far and should be so proud of yourself! Keep up the great work!
It sure does go by so fast. I remember you posting last year and how you would not be at the walk b/c you would be recouperating from the surgery.
Secondly, it will be great to meet you at the Walk! Looking forward to seeing you!
Thirdly, Happy Happy Birthday! I bet you don't feel 43! Not that it is old....but you look awesome and must feel it too!
Make sure you do something ncie for yourself after all the hard work you have been doing this past year and for your birthday!
God Bless!