It's working!
Thank you all for your recent suggestions to help me put on some weight. Since I posted, I have gained back 6 pounds. I already see a huge difference in my face.
I had my bone density scan done yesterday, it only took 15 minutes. I am 51 and they say you should have one and also a colonoscopy. That one I'll have to work up to, but this was a cinch.
Thanks again for your help!
Good news Cheryl!
Did you have your bone density done at JDH?
As you know my endo (Dr. Tendler) is there at the Cancer Center.
Love her.
As for havng colonoscopy.
I was totally freaked out to have one.
As it turns out it is a breeze once you get done with the prep.
I actually had my colonoscopy and endoscopy done the same time. A 2'fer.
Best nap I have had in a long time!
Be sure to tell them when you have it done that you want to feel NOTHING during the procedure. They will make sure you don't.
Will you be at the walk on the 30th? If so, will find you to say hi.