SHH... Let's surprise Kim K!
Hey Kim,
What a great honor it was to meet you and get to know you. Your a wonderful person, so caring and thoughtful. I am very glad I had the opportunity to talk with you at our picnic and get to know you through the boards.
Keep up the good work. Have fun, enjoy your weekend and celebrate your rebirth, its well deserved. Your my hero.
HAPPY RE-BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Kim K, What can I say?
Who would think that close to a year ago today,
You started a "Journey" that would bring us all here to say,
A Very Happy and Healthy "Rebirthday"
Your a Pleasure to the eye as well as the heart,
The comments you share here are kind and on the mark.
Even 'BoBo ' Knows the kindness that dwells in the remarks that come off "Smart"
So Enjoy your day from first light till dark!
So on this day, In My own Feeble way
I hope I have made that beautiful smile of yours brighten your day!
Hey, it may not be Shakespere, but it is from the Heart! Take Care Sweet Lady!

Yo Kimmy, What up my girl?
Ya know we better be kickin it for your REBRTH! whada ya say we go sippin at DD and HOLLA wit BOBO.................
Maybe I can find my crew
and put together a MUSIC VIDEO in your HONOR!
Holla Back!
(ps- Happy Anniversary... getting to know you is ... shall we say a trip!) ~ Love ya girl!
HUGS from all of us!~
Claudette/Dharma/Pearl/Sweet Mammy and ME

Yo, yo, yo Byrnie baby!! Thanks for the anniversary wishes...I know I'm a total trip!! And hugs right back atcha and all your other personalities...Claudette/Dharma/Pearl/Sweet Mammy, YOU and you forgot SYBIL!!!!! 

Kickin bak wit you and bobo sounds rad man. But I got me a hair appt at 2:00!! You HOLLA ME BACK GIRL and tell me if we can hang after. And I NEED a the tune of...mmmmm...let's see....My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music!!!! Try that one on for size!!
I be waitin'
Kim K.

Towanda...what can I say but THANK YOU!!!!
You are so sweet to post this!!
And yes, this surgery has been nothing short of a miracle. 120 lbs in one year...who woulda thunk??? But it's been good friends like you that have helped me through it with the motivation, the mentoring, and the occasional swift kick in the butt (very occasional)!!!
Here's to another fabulous year of shedding those lbs and to our friendship!!
**no beer...jus****er**
Kim K.