flex program
I have heard Chris talk about it.
And I've also heard some people that have taken it say how very intense it is. It really makes you look inside yourself and they also said they cried.
it does sound very good but I don't know if I'm ready to find out my insides.
I know this doesn't help much but that's all I know.
Erica -
I've taken the Flex program with Chris and it is something I HIGHLY recommend to all post-ops.
This is a 12 week program with a small group of all women (or all men) that meets on a weekly basis. There is a workbook and homework each week and then discussion on the homework the following week. Yes, it sometimes is intense enough to make you cry - but as I tell everyone - surgery has altered our anatomy - but we still need to work on changing our brains!!
In the Flex program you drill down to find out your triggers and your CORE (Center Of the Reason you Eat).
It's a great journey and something that we all need to continue the remaking of ourselves into 'thin' thinking people.
Anyways - big Thumbs Up from me!!!