I need help desperately
I am 20 months out, I have gained 10 lbs in the past 6 months, My surgar level is up and my cholesterol is up. I am at my wits end. I have to see Dr. Aranow next month and am afraid of what he may say. I don't know what to do. I excercise 3 days a week, I try to eat right. I am so depressed and I feel so desperate. I need to lose that 10 lbs and then some in the next 4 weeks. Somebody out there please help me!!!!

Hey Cindy,
I am out the same amount of months as you and I know what your going through. Except I am not a person to tell you what to do, See I am not exercising like I should be and thats why I cant get anywhere.
So many people have told me over and over again here on the boards to get moving do more cardio and other exercise and I say I will and then I dont. So believe me when I say take everyone's advice for your benefit here on the boards, they all know what they are talking about here, I was just to stubborn to see that.
You should be very proud of yourself you exercise 3 days a week. Like Kathy K said check with your doctor, it may be just a matter of your diet or the need for the waterloading like she said.
I have been doing that for a couple of weeks now and it does work. Now I just need to get my butt in gear to do more cardio and other exercise. So I am not a person to give you advice on this, but I know how you feel. It took me awhile to realize what I have been doing wrong and now I have to step up to the plate and change.
You will get there, just take it day by day and talk to your doctor sweetie. Good luck to you and I hope it all works out for you.
Thank you for being honest ! You can do it by go to spin class, or pilates class or strength class with your daugther Erin at YMCA in milford . It won't cost alot of money to join YMCA than private gyms. It won't hurt to check into that and I am sure Erin will like that to exercise with you during the week and weekends. You can do it if you take this serious. We will cheer you if you join YMCA classes.
Kathy K
From everything Dr. Aranow said, to me at least, he expects that most patientsre-gain about 10 pounds from their lowest weight....I don't think that you have to necesarily worry about what he will say.....You are a success!!!!!
On a personal note, if you want to try to lose some weight for yourself, have you tried keeping a food journal? That could help you pinpoint the areas where you could cut down.....If snacking is a problem, I find that finding really healthy snacks has helped me a lot...In the evening you can usually find me snacking on raw green peppers.....yummy and crunchy.....they are amazing.....also cucumbers, celery sticks, or any other veggies you like.....I will occasionally indulge in 94% fat free pop corn....Some people shy away from carbs, but the nutritionist said it's more important to have a balanced diet, so I do include carbs in my daily diet....but i try to make sure that they are whole grains.....
Oh, and make sure you keep well hydrated....I really do believe that our bodies somethime interpret thirst as hunger....
But please don't be depressed, and don't get desperate...Try to make some support group meetings at Middlesex...I find them very helpful and the people are great!!!
Hang in there...
Hi Again
I got your email and here is Paula typed abou****erload
Kathy K
How to water load & maintenance diet
Original Post by Paula Hep at 6:28 PM EST on 08/14/2006
Beautiful shoreline of, RI - RNY (09/28/2005) - Jonathan Aranow, M.D.
The info I'm posting below is from a hand out sheet that Dr Aranow gives to his patients at 6months + out. Some of your doctors are different and may prescribe a different method than Dr Aranow. Some of you have asked questions on wha****er loading is and I thought I'd post it below along with his ideas on a good maintenance diet.
As I'm sure you have noticed, your pouch and appetite have grown. This is a natural and normal process of pouch stretching that occurs over a two-year period following your surgery. While Lap Band and Gastric Bypass pouches dilate at different rates, the ways in which you can maximize your sense of fullness to compensate for this stretch are the same. Once you have reached the 6-month postoperative period, you need to start practicing the techniques listed below. Start gradually if you are still in the period of rapid weight loss. If you are still struggling to reach your protein goals, then simply review these techniques so that you may understand what is in your future.
There are 6 techniques you must practice in order to maximize your sense of fullness, limit your appetite, reduce the need for between meal snacks, and improve your weight loss success and maintenance.
1. FLUID LOAD: Drink fast and hard fifteen minutes before your meal using a calorie free beverage. DO NOT SIP! Drink and gulp as much as you can as fast as you can. Your goal here is to temporarily stretch your pouch and put it into spasm. Drinking in this fashion will give you a full/uncomfortable sensation. When you eat 15 minutes later, you will find you fill up more quickly and possibly your appetite for this meal will also be diminished. This is the single most powerful tool for reducing portion sizes. USE THIS MANEUVER TO AVOID BETWEEN MEAL SNACKS!!!! Make sure you always have a water bottle on hand so you can drink when the need arises.
2. DO NOT HAVE ANY LIQUIDS WITH YOUR MEALS OR FOR 2 HOURS THEREAFTER: This allows your undigested food to slowly empty from your pouch. If you find your thirst at meals and after to be uncomfortable, make sure you have fluid loaded adequately. If you have, then the next step is to try and go "cold turkey" for 2 weeks without drinking at mealtimes. This will allow your brain's "thirst center" to reset. After the 2-week period has elapsed, you will find your thirst after meals to be diminished. Drink as much calorie free liquid as you can after the two hours and up to fifteen minutes until your next meal. Water loading for the last 15 minutes.
3. FORK AND KNIFE FOODS ONLY: Your procedure only limits the passage of solids. Therefore liquid calories are not delayed and will not make you feel adequately full. This mean NO SOUP< YOGURT< PUDDING< AND ESPECIALLY NO PROTEIN SHAKES!!! Eat every meal seated at the table with a fork and knife.
4. THREE 15 MINUTE MEALS A DAY: Your goal is 3 meals a day. You should spend no longer than 15 minutes eating. Use as small a plate as possible (tea saucer). It seems like a ridiculously small meal but given your very slow metabolism, it is all you need.
5. BALANCE YOUR DIET: You do not need to be on a high protein diet. In face, over years, high protein intake will lead to less success than a balanced diet. All you need is approximately 50 gms of protein a day - a deck-of-card-sized piece of meat is about 3 oz. The remainder of your diet should include fiber, fats and complex carbs. Make sure to have some starch in your diet. A common problem seen 1-3 years after surgery is "hypoglycemia" -feeling of tremulousness and nausea and hunger occurring between meals. This ia a sign that you have inadequate carbohydrate reserves in your system. By keeping at least 30% of your diet as complex carbs (like grains, potato, etc.) you will prevent this sensation and the need for between meal snacks. The end result is you'll eat less.
6. DON'T DIET: Don't think that going on a strict "diet" will speed your weight loss. Short term periods on Atkins, Stage III shakes, or other severely restricted diets will only cause yo-yoing. Practice a balanced diet. If you want further weight loss then work on the techniques discussed here. If you need further help then please see Dr Aranow or the program dietician!!!
Hope this helps and clears up any questions that some of you may have. The water loading really does work. Using the large (I think they are 16 oz) beer cups (that they usually give when at a fair or keg party! These work best because it's a lot of water to gulp at once and you can refill it and take more in.
Thanks everybody! I appreciate your support. I feel better now knowing that I can post my problems and get good advice. I am going to up my cardio, fluid load and get my butt back in gear and I have all of you to thank for setting me straight.
You guys really make a difference. I will keep you posted on my progress.
Once again THANKS!!!!!!!! You are my inspiration and I hope to meet some of or all of you at the next support group meeting.
By the way when is the next meeting at Middlesex Hospital.