Thursday's Food Log
Morning Everyone! A cool starry nite out so hoping for a Beautiful Day!
B 3oz's seafood salad wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla
S small plum
L Taking a little cooked ground beef with peppers,onions and zuccinni I made.
D Still lots of leftovers, Will be another buffet nite tonight at my house.
Didn't get to the gym yesterday. Had to go get some bloodwork and X rays done for an upcoming Physcal. Will go today for sure! Everyone have a Wonderful Day!
will be very busy today ...
Load water
B toasted rye with chicken top with cheese melt
S load water
L ????
S load water
D turkey burger with slice tomatoes and cheese top with brocillio
S load water
Dr Goodkind approved my active excercise... will start build up jogging 15 min then powering walking 30 min No sit ups per Dr goodkind ... said too early to do it... Still listen his order!!! Will save money for part two PS surgery next year with Dr Goodkind.
I love this cool weather outside and it is perfect for exercise outside I will go back to work on Sept 5th.
Have a great day!
Kathy K
Good morning everyone. Not raining so that is a good sign but the question is for how long!! Doing lots of walking and feeling really good.
B - carb count yogurt and protein shake
S - continue with protein shake
L - taco insides minus the taco shell (lettuce, tomato, cheese, beef)
S - canned peaches
D - fish and vegtables
S - protein shake
Have a great day!!
Nancy K
Good morning gang:
What a gorgeous day out today. Yippee no rain!!!!! Going walking today at lunch time, so tired of being stuck inside. Cant wait to go walking tonight too with Erin.
Daughter back to school yesterday, she loves it. I am so glad for her, cant believe she is in 7th grade.
Hey big brother, hope your physical goes well!!!! Your looking great by the way. Your my hero. Thanks for all the inspiration everyday. Love ya for that.
B: Protein shake
S: coffee
L: chickensalad
S: water loading
D: probably ham and cheese rollups
S: waterloading
Am loving this waterloading, it makes me less hungry so I dont graze. The scale is down to 214 so far, we shall see if I break 200 before October. Keep me in your prayers everyone.
Have a great day all, enjoy the great weather. Hopefully the labor day weekend will be great too, its my anniversary on Tuesday and I want to enjoy this long weekend. It will be 14 years for me and Tom. He is so awesome and I am so very lucky to have such a great guy.