on 8/31/06 4:19 am - Burlington, CT
Hi everyone, I am sure there is no one on the site left that remembers me, but I had my surgery back in 2003. I've lost a total of 160 pounds. Here's my problem. I can't stop losing weight. I have been trying to gain some back for quite some time with no success. I try to follow all the rules, can't drink carbonation, no sweets etc. I eat every 3 hours on the dot. I am tall, 5'8" and now weigh 135. I feel like I look gaunt. I keep getting comments from people asking me how much I weigh. So I've come to you for suggestions on what to do. My surgeon has not been much help. I adore him, but I need someone else. I was wondering if anyone can suggest anyone in the area for me to see. I live in the Farmington area. One thing, not Dr. Barba. I've just heard way too many pro's and con's about him. Any ideas of gaining some weight back will be appreciated too. Thanks so much everyone. This is still the best State site on the boards. Cheryl
Julio Ramirez
on 8/31/06 7:12 am - Guilford, CT
Hi Cheryl, You may want to try some of the weight gainer stuff they sell at GNC. May be you just need a few more carbs to keep your weight up. Genc has a sale the first 7 days of each month. May want to take a look. You look fantasitc by the way! Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 8/31/06 7:44 am - CT
RNY on 12/28/05 with
I think you need to see a nutritionist- who knows about WLS. I think you also need a surgeon with more experience. I recently spoke to my OB/GYN about Dr Giles ( I see Dr Dreiss in New Britsky) my impression was Dr Giles does the surgery, but doesn't SPECIALIZE in the surgery. Dr Aranow is in Middletown- he's got a wonderful program, and maybe it's worth your while to see him. Maybe you need to run some bloodwork, and make sure you aren't suffering too much of a malabsorption problem. Then see the nutritionist and get some good plan going. I know it's easy for us to say "Gee I wish I had your problem" in a sarcastic tone, but losing TOO much weight is just as dangerous, if not more so than being obese. If you were to become sick or disabled from trauma, you have NO reserve whatsoever. AND if you are not absorping your calories- you also aren't absorping protein and vitamins. Dr Aranow's office number escapes me right at the moment but he's in Middletown- 347-9167 I think.....
on 8/31/06 8:18 pm - Danbury, CT
Hi Cheryl ! I remember you! I have no advice for you, sorry. Just wanted to drop in and say hello. Sorry to hear you are having this problem, and I hope you can find a way to resolve it. Anne
Kathy K.
on 8/31/06 8:23 pm - Waterford, CT
RNY on 10/18/04 with
Hey Cheryl, Want to drop to say HELLO! and BIG TEDDY BEAR HUG on the way to you !!! Wish I can give you some good advices about this problem but all I can say try to make an apt to my wonderful doctor (Dr Aranow)and I am sure he can answer your questions. Honey Please try to find gastric bypass surgeon as soon as possible you can find and stick with your gastric bypass surgeon for the rest of your life. I am going to stick with Dr Aranow for long period . I am praying for you and hope to see you at Walk for Obesity. MISS YA! Hugs Kathy K
Towanda Strong3
on 8/31/06 8:33 pm - Somewhere in, CT
Cheryl? Remember you? BUT OF COURSE! I have emailed you some info. Are you planning on being at the Walk From Obesity on Sept 30? I will be there with my husband (who is a personal trainer) who has some suggestions. He would be happy to talk to you then and give you some ideas from that end. Look for an email from me. Towanda
Kathy K.
on 8/31/06 10:38 pm - Waterford, CT
RNY on 10/18/04 with
Hey Cheryl While I was jogging, I was thinking of you and what Towanda said.... Maybe you need to go build up more muscles on your body for toner and gain weight ( muscles gains weights) how is your muscle toner? It will be great if you talk with Towanda's hubby. I met him and he is great guy and knows about this stuffs. Hugs Kathy K
on 8/31/06 9:40 pm - Shoreline, CT
RNY on 09/22/04 with
Hey Cheryl. I too remember you!!! I have the same problem as you. I am at 113lbs and still losing. Just had my 3rd hospitalization--all suppossidly unrelated to the surgery. Dr A doesn't think there is anything wrong with my wgt. But I look awful. My own son asked me if I was dieing. I eat to live now. I don't really enjoy eating but eat as often as every 2 hours with 3 main meals. I don't have an answer. Just wanted to commiserate. Linnie
on 9/1/06 9:22 am - HTFD, CT
I am having th same problem. I should weigh about 120 but I wnet down to 104 after my last complication in March. I am up to 110 now. I added carbs to my diet. I went from zero carbs to adding a slice of whole wheat bread (with peanut butter and a dab of jelly) cracKers with my cheese and on a good day a spoonful of white rice drowned in a meat based sauce. It is scary because I think what if I keep gaining and gaining? Blessings splendalicious
on 9/1/06 10:30 pm - Burlington, CT
I can't tell you all how much it touched my heart to hear all of these warm suggestions and that I'm not alone. Towanda, thanks so much for offering so much help. I am going to see a Gastro specialist soon and hope that he knows enough about this surgery to help me. I have added carbs and have been lifting weights in an attempt to build any muscle that may be still hanging (sorry for the pun) around. I am going to GNC today also, is there anything they DON'T carry? Again, thanks for the hope and kindness. I am turning 51 this week and would love to wake up one day and say Carpe Diem! I'll let you know how I make out, love and hugs Cheryl
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