Wensday's Food Log
Maybe you need to stay on the eaiser foods for a little longer? I know the band is different - but when I have an episode I know that everything gets swollen and irritated so I do liquids for two days, then mushies for two days and then try the solids again. It would be a good idea just to call the doctor though. I know my friend was going through the same type of issue for quite a while and she started taking nexium and it really helped her a lot. Not saying this is the case for you - but perhaps you could try some priloseck (sp??) and see if that helps???
I know the frustration - one day I ate cottage cheese and it was fine the next day I ate it I had an issue with it - things can change from day to day and it is quite a learning journey for sure!
I hope you figure it out soon!
Best Regards,
2 cups french vanilla coffe w/ ff cream
breakfast - 1 egg & 1 egg white over medium
Lunch - scoop of tuna salad & cottage cheese
Snack - a few grapes
Dinner - Stuffed Peppers. The garden had so many peppers. But I made my pepper with chopped meat and mushrooms. Everyone elses I made with the traditional chopped meat and rice.
Snack - Yogert w/ flax seed and banana