Lap Band and sagging skin?
I agree with Christine - there is no safe way to lose weight to get around sagging skin - Hypothetically slower loss allows the skin to shrink more easily - but if you don't have a lot of elasticity (sp?) to your skin the rate of loss won't make a difference. I think it might be more noticeable for people under 30 - but that's just a guess. I'll take my emerging bat wings over the filled up fat arms!
Carol Jean (CJ)
on 8/24/06 6:30 am - Non-Op, CT
on 8/24/06 6:30 am - Non-Op, CT
Hi Patricia...
I lost just about 100 pounds at a very S L O W rate (didn't have surgery... so, I lost 2lbs a week at a time).... and I have the sagging skin problems as well. I excersize and use vitamin E/firming lotions... I have noticed that it gets a LITTLE better with time. But... once that skin stretches out, it's not going back to normal. And, if you're like me, that skin was stretched for a LONG time... the longer it's been streched out, the harder it is to make it "go back to normal"
But don't sweat it... it's not THAT bad. I'll take skin sags over those bulging fat rolls ANY day!!!
But don't chose your surgery based on the skin-sag issue. It really doesn't matter WHAT rate you lose... the skin will sag... it's just the extremety of it depends on your genetics, mostly.