Hi guys....
Just checkin in to say whats up?
Had my coffee (the best ever... sorry Bobo) Cinnnamon hazel nut with splenda and Half and Half. Now its time for FOOD...(maybe a banana and some oatmeal)
then I might start cleaning the ATTIC (omg) but its time to purge through the crap I have collected.
How about you guys.... what are you doing?? are ya eating right? drinking your water... takin those vitamins?
MOVING?? are you MOVING that body and feelin alive???
How are ya doin today??????? Isnt it great to be alive?
Come on...talk to me!
Sweet Mammy

OKay - was there like extra caffiene in that coffee? Wow you sound motivated - good for you!
I'm hanging out with my husband, son and mother today - we'll be swimming in the pool in just a little bit - that's moving my body!
It's a great feeling to purge old stuff - but I need to take advantage of pool weather before it's all gone and in New England that could be in 3 minutes from now!
Have a great day!

Hey Sweet Mammy!!
I haven't seen you in a very long time so I'm not sure if you'll remember me. I think I had the BEST coffee today- Starbucks iced latte with a splenda!! I think I've become a starbucks addict. Today my husband and I will be going to a flea market- I love buying others people junk!! I tried to eat but it didn't work out so well. I was told on Friday that I have another ulcer so I am not doing so well with food. BUT...I am doing one hell of a job working on this Grande Latte!
It is GREAT to be alive! We went shopping last night and I went from a size 30/32 to a size 18- so I'd have to say life is REALLY good right now even though my ulcer is causing me grief.
Have fun in the attic

OMG...she's had too much coffee and is bouncin' off the walls!! Sure reminds me of the diner!!
I studied all weekend...pretty boring but got alot done! Today is sun and pool all day. And maybe a little cleaning thrown in.
Totally forgot to eat yesterday and sure paid the price. Dizzy, weak, could barely stand up. But had a good dinner, drank alot last night and feel better today. Feel free to give me a good kick in the butt!!
So what's up with you??? Any spare time this week to get together? I haven't seen you guys since the last meeting and am getting withdrawal symptoms!!!
Kim K.