NEW TO THE BOARD - SURGERY DATE 9/12/06 -Lap Band - Dr. Nadzam
Hey Joan,
Welcome to the CT Boards. Your more than welcome to email me if you have any questions. I am a patient of Dr Barajas, had my surgery 12/29/04. I have lost 110lbs so far. Been a member here about 2 years now.
Everyone here is wonderful, we are like a big family. You should know that nobody judges you here, we have all been through the same thing and are here to support, and be here through the good and bad.
I live in Milford, and I also work for the Town of Orange,CT at the senior center. Maybe I have met you? Anyway if not I hope to so you know your part of our family here now.
Good luck to you and welcome.
Hi Kim, You are so sweet! Appreciate all your encouraging words...
Small World.... I am at the Senior Center in Orange - really at the Gym -for the next 5 days. I take my two grandkids to the Sports Camp....Drop them off and pick them up...... One lives in Milford and one in Woodbridge..... This is a last "Before School Treat" for the two of them...... It's been such a busy summer that they just didn't have time to get together, so Grandma solved the problem.... It runs Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 3:00. What dept do you work in? It would be a pleasure to meet you there in person......Looking forward to seeing you there. Joan S.
Hey Joan,
Thanks so much, I love being a part of this wonderful group here on the CT Boards, its like a big extended family. I have made so many wonderful friends here.
I work in Community Services, the offices before the gym on the right hand side. I deal with the seniors, youth services and I am in charge of transportation for seniors too. I love it, the job is very rewarding.
Come in and say hello to me when you are there, I would love to meet you too.

Dear Joan,
How exciting to have a date! Waiting for that is the most painful part of the whole process - seriously.
There are quite a few senior bandsters and I'm a quasi senior at 57. Eeeek!! Still very happy with my band and it will be its first anniversary this Thursday.
There is a LapBand forum which was a HUGE help for me in the pre-op stage and I still visit there most days. I realize you may have already found your way there but here is the link just in case you didn't.,messageboard/board_id,5359/
Good luck with everything. It is all so worth it.
Mary M 

Hi Mary, Thanks for the info on the Lap Band site - Will check it out soon.
Just read your profile and it is soooooo encouraging....You really look wonderful!
Yes, I am going nuts waiting for the big day - Sept 12th...... Every waking minute I am thinking about the surgery..... I have been reading everything I can get my hands on. Glad to hear I am not the only SENIOR -- thought maybe I was too old to go through this but really want this badly .
Tomorrow night is another step... Before Surgery Meeting with Diana (Nutritionist) and Chris (Psychologist) .... Will keep everyone updated.
This group is so wonderful! I'll be going through this with so many caring people to guide me through. Will keep in touch..