NEW TO THE BOARD - SURGERY DATE 9/12/06 -Lap Band - Dr. Nadzam
Hi Everyone, You have all been so helpful with your info... Finally got a Surgery date from Dr. Nadzam -(Lap Band) - can't wait....Scared but excited..... I am a Senior (65) from Orange Ct -mother of 4 - grandmother of 6...... probably the only Senior in this group.... Your postings have answered so many of my questions. Have to go through the ekg, blood tests, endoscopy on the 29th.... Not looking forward to that, but I'll make it through.... Again, thanks everyone - will be checking back with you and let you know how things went. Joan S.
Hi Julio, Thanks so much for the warm welcome... You sure look good with your weight loss... My hubby has taken off a few pounds since I started this whole procedure... and he is looking a lot better too....I've heard so many good things about Dr. Nazdam - Keeping my fingers crossed that things will move along smoothly. Have a great weekend. Joan
WELCOME to the CT Board. As you already have seen, we are a bunch of people who passionately care about each other.
Being scared and excited is so normal and to be expected. This is a major change... yet a good one.
You are on the brink of a new you.
I am a mother of 2 and a grandmother of 2 with one more on the way! While you are a bit older than I (not by much!)... we are all on the same journey here... one to fine our real selves again... You are coming home to your true self.

Hi Kathy, It's a pleasure to meet another caring person from this board... I feel like I will not be going through this venture alone. I am overjoyed with the responses from so many members..... Now I know if I have questions there will always be someone there with the right answer. Can't wait to get started... It's been way too long.. Will keep all informed as I progress. Thanks for caring and sharing. Joan
Hi Towanda, Thanks so much for your encouraging words. I am trying to keep very POSITIVE with this venture.... I have always been overweight - I am 5'1" (almost) and weighed in at 259. THat's the most I have ever weighed - I am really scared... scared of gaining even more weight that will keep me in a chair.... too many things to do.... too many grandchildren to enjoy! I will keep everyone informed of my steps through this journey..... Best Regards, I feel like family already..... Joan