25 lb. Gain.....Help
Had Open RNY in 3/2003 and have gained 25-30 lbs. Back to old habits. Have been to counselling and had an x-ray of my pouch and it has not gotten bigger(thank God)!
What is wrong with me. I can't seem to get back on track and I am getting my old feelings back (before surgery) and I hate it. I am depressed again, low self esteme and feel like nothing is worth doing anymore. I am an intellegent person, I know what has to be done (cut out the carbs) and (exercise more).......Why can't I seem to get back and feel better again. What is wrong with me? I lost 140 lbs. gaining about 25-30 back and still need to lose another 110-120. I did start walking again and I do feel a little better, but I must say that now, it's like pulling teeth to do any kind of exercise. I am 52 Female, Married with 3 grown children. Work in a high school as a secretary and have the summers off. Will be going back in another week. I NEED HELP!!!!! Hope anyone out there can help me - help myself - get back on the right path. Thank you in advance and sorry for the long post and bending your ears. Hugs to all.
Hi Laura,
I feel your pain and totally understand as I am in a similar situation. I don't have any answers other than getting back to basics. Somebody said to me recently what are you doing differently now than you did at 9-12 months out? Going back to that eating regime and the exercise is what will help us get back on track. Easier said than done though. I am going to be starting a support group through Yale although everyone is welcome for long term post ops (18 months or longer). I don't have all the details yet but will post it as soon as I do. Please feel free to email me anytime. Maybe we can help each other out.

Hey Linda,
I meant to write to you earlier. Sorry to hear you are having a tough time staying on track also. You sound like you are being very proactive though in starting a post op group. I am sure you will find your way back.
In any case, it was good hearing from you! You have been absent too long. Don't be such a stranger.

Hi Laura, You have already started getting back on track by raching out. Dr. R's office runs a support group the second wensday and fourth thursday of each month out of St. Rays. It's called "Stay the Course". Start going to those meetings. They start at 6 pm in the class room next to the Cronin auditorium. Try not to beat yourself up so much. If you slipped, just dust yourself off and try again. Lots of us here know it's not easy to keep on track and reaching out to others helps with tips and suggestions that may make things easier. You already know you can do this because you have done it before. It's just a matter of getting back in the game and making it a part of your everyday life. Excersizing shouldn't be a burden, It should be a lifestyle. That's what makes it easier. Look at our Food Log and see what everybody else is eating to get idea's about food choices. Start off slow as far as excersizing. The important thing is to have the will! Already know you do because you have done it before. Belive in yourself and know you can make it happen! You don't have to apoligize for reaching out, that's what we are here for and we have all reached out to each other. Good Luck and Welcome to the OH board! Take Care,

Hi Laura
You did the right thing to ask us for help! It is not too late to go back on the right track. Have you try to load water between your meals ( I drink up to 65 oz of water from between breakfast to Lunch and do again load water from Lunch to dinner? It work for me because I dont feel hungry and of course go to the bathroom trips WINK!
Just exercise 3 or 4 times a week, go to support group meetings,go see counselor,call OH friends to talk and support each other, use our Food log to help you stay track,find walking buddy to motive and stick together etc.... Please feel free to email me if you have any questions then I will be happpy to help you. Hope to meet you at Walk for Obesity on Sept 30th ! SMILE!
Take care,
Kathy K

Hi Laura,
Thank you for coming here and posting about your trouble. Weight gain after WLS is very real and happens to a lot of people, so please don't feel like you are alone. I just visited recently with a good friend of mine who had surgery in 02 and she started regaining in her 3rd year about 25 lbs and now in her 4th year she is up 40 lbs. She says her downfall is snacking, eating too many carbs and not exercising. Like you, she recognizes what she is doing wrong but is having a hard time getting back on track.
After talking to my friend about it I realized something. I think it is hard to accept that after a while, you have to do most of the work to keep the weight down. During the 1st year (the golden honeymoon phase), weight loss is effortless and even though you know it isn't permanent, it is hard to imagine that you will ever gain weight again. Then into your 2nd year, you discover that you can eat more variety, and the weight loss has pretty much stopped. Big adjustments here going from weight loss mode to maintenance mode. At this point, lifestyle has to take over, because the honeymoon period is over and we again have to put forth a lot of effort and committment to stay on track for the long haul. Wait! Isn't that is just like before we had surgery?! Pretty much, but the big difference now is that your pouch is still there and it still works, but in order to make it work in your favor you have to use it. That is really good news. Built in portion control!
I know you know how to do it Laura, you pretty much said it in your post. Try to get back to basics, 3 protein based meals, low on the carbs. Maybe no carbs for a while untll you get back on track. Drink lots of water. Try drinking 16oz of water as fast as you can, 10-15 mins before you eat. Then no drinking until 1 1/2 hrs after you ea****erloading really helps you feel full for a longer period of time. Then of course there is exercise. That is a tough one for me too. Start small, a short walk 3x a week and build up. Take advantage of the support group meetings. It sounds like you have some good ones closeby. It does help to share with others and not feel like you are alone.
I applaud you for coming here and discussing this Laura, not everyone is willing to talk about the tough times. I hope things start turning around for you. Start by making small goals for yourself. Maybe 5lbs at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself by thinking of the total you want to lose. Treat yourself to a pedicure or a movie or some new clothing everytime you meet one of your mini goals. It will help keep you motivated.
You can do it Laura! Hang in there and keep coming back for support.