Monday's Food Log
That's a great attitude Kim - Nothing like a little anger to get the fuel burning!!
I got back on my bike tonight for the first time in quite a while - the batteries in my ipod were completely dead! I was up to 30 minutes before but I knew that I had to start back to square one - so I did 10 minutes but at a higher resistance than I was doing before and I got my heart rate up and I was sweating a lot! I really don't like to sweat - but I know without sweating it isn't worth even exercising. So I was just thinking to myself - time to get this fat moving - while I was pedaling and sweating and not having my ipod to keep my mind occupied - actually even though it was only 10 minutes - I'm always proud of myself after I do the exercise - it's a ***** getting the motivation to do it though!
You will get there - keep up the good fight - this is a battle you can and will win!
Go to it!
Okay - my summer is starting to slow down - family is gone back to Puerto Rico - just packing to move in a couple of weeks.
B - Low Sugar Oatmeal
L - Lettuce Cheese with Chicken Strips
S - Eggs with onions and ham
D - Chicken
Really going to try to stay away from sugar and going back to the gym tomm...
I know I'm late but took the family to Mystic today and just got home a little while ago.
Breakfast - coffee, single ham & cheese omelette, crust of rye tst.
snack - 1/2 banana
Lunch - south beaach protein bar
Dinner - lamb chops, string beans and salad
snack - no sugar added Dilly Bar from Dairy Queen and a slice of
No where near the required water today. but did do alot of walking.