A confession, The other Lady in my life
Mornin' Julio...
Molly is absolutely adorable and she looks like a real cuddler! I couldn't live without my Emma...a feisty little Maltese. She's my baby!! Always ready to play or to cuddle. And the one "person" who is always there for me...never judgemental and always happy to see me!! Only problem, she's very protective and has a thing about men (doesn't like them very much)!!
Have a great day!!
Molly is so cute!
We have a beagle neighbor his name is Forest Gump - he is a very noisy little guy it's a good thing he's so cute!! ;) His Mom and Dad gave him his very own door to let himself in and out of the house - he likes to get up at 5:00 a.m. and let the world know he's awake and he stays up sometimes until 10:30 and protects his yard - sometimes I think his Mom and Dad are deaf!
Anyway - glad to hear that Molly is doing good - there's nothing like a nice little puppy dog to cuddle with - the unconditional love just fills your heart!!