Tuesday is almost here!!
Hi all,
Please keep me in your thoughts in prayers on Tuesday at 10:30 as I start my journey to the loosing side. I have been so emotional these past few days - guess it is normal. Since I don't have an angel, I will let you know how I am doing once I am able to get back online.
Thanks in advance for your prayers!
Hugs to all,
Nancy K
Hi T -
You know I will give him a hug for you!! I am going to be there today since I forgot to get my bloodwork done! Will also get a chest xray to make sure my lungs are clear since I have not been feeling great!! Pray all goes well - I already had a little chat with myself in preparation!!
Thanks for everything -
Nancy K
Hey Neighbor,
OMG!!!! It is almost time which you have been waited for this moment for a long time I know you will be fine because you have an excellent hands from your doctor and recovery back like I am I will email you to make the date to visit you at your house after 2 weeks to allow me to dirve a car!!!! I will keep you in my prayer and will thinking of you that time tomorrow morning!
Kathy K