Salad Spritzers
I don't usually do this but I tried the new Salad Spritzers today and I really like it. Salad dressing has been the hardest things to find post op b/c they either have lots of fat, lots of carbs or taste like nothing. But this stuff has only 1 gram of fat & carbs for 10 sprays (a post op wouldn't need that much anyway, I only used 3 sprays for my whole salad) and it tastes good.
Anyhoo, just thought I'd spread the word!
Hey Christine! You've reminded me that I need to update my pic again- perhaps after this weekend's wedding when I get to dress up. Bought new clothes and everything... Syms in the Berlin Turnpike is a pretty friendly place.
For my one true week off for summer, I get to continue to be sick, yeah.