My "wow" moment
A year ago I was physically unable to do much of anything. Today was MY day- I went for a beautiful 3 mile bike ride. I know that doesn't sound like a whole heck of a lot to some people but for me it was an awesome accomplishment! When I look back to where I was physically just a year ago I am in awe of what I can do now. A year ago I couldn't even walk around the grocery store- now I am pedddling my tush off (literally!) It just feels SO good to have my life back!!

Aren't these tiniest of moments the best of all? I think back to last summer at this time and cannot believe that I looked like I did (my picture here is from last summer, have to get a new one up soon) and felt like I did.
This summer, I'm going almost daily with my kids on hikes, going to the beach and just having fun. Something I wouldn't have done when I was BIG.
I'm glad that you're having so much fun. I'd love to get a bike someday.
The more I think about these "accomplishments" the happier I get. At times I still beat myself up a bit but when it comes down to it I know I am going to live a much longer happier and healthier life. I am stuck on yet another plateau but I know if I continue to eat right and excercise that I'll reach my goal. I did lose A LOT but I still have a way to go and that's o.k!! I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying your new active lives

3 miles ain't nothin' to slough off!
I so want to buy a "granny" bike and just find nice winding roads to tootle along.You know... like Jessica Fletcher in Murder She Wrote!
While that might not be the exercise that will keep me fit and strong (Leslie Sansone does) it would be a nice and healthy relaxing habit.
Exercise is great... I am finally getting that.
Thanks to Kathy K, Julio and my hubby...
Always glad to hear that you are doing well. You have had a hard time of it and seeing the rewards surely keeps you moving forward and puts a smile on my face to hear you happy.