Okay everyone,
Just a reminder:
On this Friday July 21st Kathy K will be going into Milford Hospital for her surgery. I want everyone to get together and wish her all their best. Maryjo and I will be going to see her on Friday to spend time with her and we will keep everyone updated on how she did and how her recovery will be going. Towanda will also be helping us out with this too.
So lets show Kathy how much we all love her and support her through this and wish her all the best. She deserves it she is always there for all of us.
Thanks all, love ya

Who is Kathy K?
bratty towanda
You have become my exercise mentor.
You have helped me immeasurably to get real about exercise and DO IT!
With love and encouragement and a strong example you show up here on the CT board on a consistent basis.
That has kept me moving forward along my own journey.
You have complied with what your surgeon asked you to do since having surgery.... You have kicked it up a notch with your daily exercise routines. You have done the footwork (literally) to help make your body one that is strong, lean and flexible. This has got to make for a successful TT surgery. You have layed down the foundation.
Of course, we cannot forget your new "girls" !
I wish you only the very best for a swift and safe surgery with Dr. Goodkind and a speedy recovery.

Hey Towanda
You better not make me laughing because I know you are very funny lady! I do not want hurt my stomach if I laughing hard !!!!!! I better to have pillow on me LOL
I am glad I help you to keep you stay shape and use your tools.
bring small paper and pen when you visit me SMILE!
Kathy K
Hi Kathy:
I've been thinking about you and want you to know that I will be thinking about you and saying a prayer or 2 for you on Friday. I hope that your surgery goes smoothly and that you are happy with the results. MaryJo speaks very highly of Dr. Goodkind, I know you'll do well.
I did not think that the surgery was as bad as I thought it would be. You'll do fine and will come through it with flying colors. Listen to the Dr. and treat yourself well over the next 6 weeks or so. NO AB CRUNCHES YOUNG LADY!!!!
Wishing you all the best and all of God's Blessings,
If you need anything let me know!!
What can I say......you have been such an inspiration to all of us! You have gone above and beyond......and have become quite the role model for WLS.......You have had such a successful journey so far....and I know you always will because you are such a strong willed person and determined!
I know all your preperation and your good health will make you fly through your tummy tuck and "girl" lift....like a breeze! You have so many people praying for you and so many
watching over you. You are also in the hands of an excellent surgeon. I have no doubts in my mind that you will be back to your self in no time and ready to go! Your hubby better get a club to beat all those men away from you
You are such a beautiful woman now.....but just wait until you see your new belly and the new self esteem it will bring to you! Best of luck and I will be there for you through it! We all love you!
God Bless!

Hey Kathy, Would be Honored to be called your "Big Brother". Your A Good, Kind, Careing and Funny Lady and an Inspiration to all that know you! You are Right, I will be asking you a bunch of questions so you will be very busy as you heal up answering them for me on here! Now relax and get all your supplies ready for when you get home like the books your going to read and the things you will want close to you while your resting. As always if you need anything, just ask, will do my best to help out! Best Wishes, Julio