Feeling very depressed lately
I'm so sorry that you're in a funk right now. 104 pounds is NOTHING to sneeze at, you know!
Try upping your cardio (I'm sure you already have). Maybe you need to jump start your metabolic rate again...
Are you following a good post op maintenance diet? If you don't have one, I can send you the paper via email (I typed it out) that Dr Aranow gives to his patients.
Hang in there..hon...it'll get better. I get that way too. I actually recently changed my anti-depressant to feel better and it worked.
Are your blood levels all ok?
Hey Paula,
Thanks so much for your caring and support. I would love it if you would email the program Dr. A has you on. My surgeon is not being much help right now and I am getting really aggervated.
My level D is very low the rest are okay as far as they can see. Thanks so much for your kindness.
Awwww Kimmy.... sending you a great big ((((HUG))))) I know you have been struggling with this for some time now. I like what Steve said ".....that one of the toughest aspects of our adventures is in appreciating that it's not a race to a set goal, but rather an on-going journey."
As you know, I have also been struggling with this issue Kim. I have been working really hard on the way I think about my weight in relationship to my life and recently came to this realization. I had this surgery, I lost 125 pounds and for the last 11 months I have fought to keep it off. I have never been able to keep weight off for this long! I no longer consider the way I eat as a diet but just the way I eat. It is a part of my life instead of just a visiting part of my life that will go away soon so I can go back to old ways. That has made a huge difference for me, you know? It is all new territory, and yes, I have bad days when I make the wrong choices, but now I know that I have the power to stop and get back on track. I think you have this ability too since you have been maintaining a loss for 6 months.
So maybe you can think of it this way... the surgery helped you take 104 pounds away and now you are living a much healthier way of life. You haven't reached your goal yet, but you are well on your way even though it seems like you aren't moving. I know you appreciate all that you have accomplished, but maybe you can appreciate just being where you are. Think about it, it is a much better place than where you have been and a nice healthy place to look back on when you get to your goal. You are armed with a great tool and have learned so much about nutrition and exercise.... what a great place to be as you are continuing on your journey, Kim.
Hang in there dahlin, I hope you are feeling better soon, and keep up the great job you are already doing. I am glad you reached out for some advice. I hope you feel like it helps you.
My very dear friend Terri,
Thank you as always for being there for me. Your awesome and I wish I could give you a great big hug for always being my support and caring so much. Your a wonderful person and I am so grateful to know you.
My love to you and your family and thank you again for always being there for me.

Kim - Wish I had the magic words to help make all your worries go away
I actually went to an acupunturist for my knee a couple weeks ago (I have a meniscus tear that can't be operated on so I'm trying alternative medicine). Anyway my first treatment for my right knee the guy sticks a needle in my left elbow and my knee started twitching - I thought it was just a coincidence - the next time I went back I asked him if he could stick me in a point to help with metabolism and he said sure - so he stuck a needle in my left leg a couple inches below my knee and wouldn't you know it - my STOMACH started twitching - now the twitching happening two times made me really believe there just might be something to this couple thousand year old medicine - or maybe I'm just crazy
..............the only reason I'm telling you this is to perhaps have you consider seeing a good acupuncturist for several of the issues bothering you - I'm sure they have spots for depression and other issues - the philosophy behind the medicine is really amazaing - it's worth a shot - the only thing you have to lose is the money you have to shell out for the treatment!
Anyway - my knee seems to be doing a little better - I wouldn't say it's pain free - but it is tolerable most days - I can actually walk across rooms on occassion without feeling any pain!
Hang in there - you've come so very far and look so very beautiful - all in good time it will all come together - take a deep breath and appreciate where you are right now!
Best Regards,

Sorry to hear you are feeling down.....Hang in there, I know it's hard for you, but you have done so well, and come so far....I am having a difficult time right now as well...My iron count is really low, and I have been so tired,,,,,I hope to see you again soon.....
Hang in there sweetie,
Hey Little Sis! Sorry to hear your feeling down. Time to tape that before picture of yourself on your mirror so you see how much you have already accomplished! If you have to go back to the basic's to get back on track then just go do it! YOU are the one that can make this happen and we will push, prod, nag, ***** anything to help you along. So Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and just keep on going forward!! This is not a race, and everybody wins when we get to the end! Take care,