TSH question
Hey everyone~
Perhaps someone here can help me. I just had my labs drawn yet again and my TSH is still "off the charts" as my Dr. likes to say. My numbers for my TSH test were 55.3
I'm not sure what the "norm" is but I recall a MUCH lower number. As of right now I am taking 250 mcg's of synthroid. I asume the Dr. will up my levels yet again. My question is: has anyone else had problems absorbing medications post-op? The next step will be to grind down the pills and add them to my food....guess that can't hurt.
Any info. will be much appeciated.

I don't know if this will hel*****t, but when I had my TSH done at ST. V's, it was off the charts. When I went to see my PCP he retested and it was normal. Maybe you should try to have your blood drawn at another facility and see if it is any different there. Normal is anything under 11, I think thats what my PCP said. 250 is a wicked lot of synthroid to be taking. Are you feeling any side effects from the dosage?
Sorry you are having such a difficult time. The damn thyroid is going to be the death of all of us!!!
Hi Christine,
I agree with the other post. Have your blood drawn from another facility such as Quest Labs, etc.
My endocrinologist (thyroid doc) had me go to three labs so that he could get a range of what my thyroid tests could be. All had different "ranges" from their labs and different outcomes. Come to find out, I didn't have a problem at all.
Is your surgeon doing the prescribing of your thyroid meds? If so, if I were you, I'd definately refer to an endocrinologist to have closer thyroid blood studies done.
Why do you think that you are not absorbing your medication? At this point in your post op, you should absorb the meds, but, I guess there's no way to tell.
Let us know how it goes.