Question for fellow bandsters...
What does restriction feel like?
Do you ever get that satisfied "full" feeling or does it just feel like its going down slow and you just dont want anymore?
I noticed at lunch today...... (my 1st real food since my last fill) I just wasnt really hungry, and ate less. Which does make me happy, but I am just curious to know from you all who have restriction, what does it feel like.
i can feel things go "down" differently, but is that all I will feel thats different than "normal" or pre-op?
Any advice or thoughts are as always appreciated.
Thanks, Bree
Hi Bree -
I'm still figuring it out myself - I was fortunate enough to get chicken stuck 3 TIMES on vacation - (I'm being sarcastic with the fortunate incase it isn't clear)..... I think I need to just slow down - but I'm am staying away from chicken unless it's ground up.... I have realized that I don't need to feel full in order to know when I'm done - I just need to get rid of feeling hungry - does that make sense?
I have noticed if I slow down I will get the little hiccup that many people with the band get to signal to stop eating. If I eat too fast, I don't get the hiccup.
When I know for sure what restriction feels like and I can put it into words I'll let you know - if you figure it out before me - please share!
I'm going for my 3rd fill on the 12th - hopefully this will really kick me into the losing mode!
Take care!
Dear Bree,
It sounds to me as if you are very close to achieving optimum restriction if you ate less than you normally would have previously - and knew that it was time to stop eating. Everyone seems to have a different experience of attaining restriction and perhaps the hardest thing is to know when your body is sending you a signal to "back away from the table", but you knew what to do... Bravo. Let the games begin!
For me it took longer for the message to get through. Learning to drive this band can be a lengthier process for some than others, and perhaps I am a slow learner. I kept making the same mistakes over again, and the worst was ignoring the 'stop' signal. That led to PB'ing and sliming for a while, but now I know better.
You are way ahead of where I was at the same stage kiddo, so good luck to you!
Best wishes in learning to drive and love your band.