What can this puppy say but...
THANKS from the bottom of my healthy heart!
I simply could not do this journey without the CT Forum.
You all have become a part of me. I take you with me into each day.
Not only are we a team of folks that hold each other up, you are all teaching me how to have fun. That is something that was not part of my life preop. My heart and spirit were suffering way too much from the burdens of Morbid Obesity.
Yet today, I am freer than I have ever been.
I now have hope and possibility. But this is not a journey to be done alone. Not for me anyway.
What a day it was. You all have seen the photo of me with the green towel from the picnic? Well (thanks to our Kim K
) it was part of my surgeons Power Point presentation to prospective patients last night at the FCB seminar! Much to my horror!
And our very own Byrne sang to me her rendition of "Are you Lonely Tonight", rewritten as "Are you HUNGRY Tonight"
The words went like this...
Are you hungry tonight....
are you eating tonight...
are you sorry you went under the knife?
Does your memory stray....
to a hot fudge Sunday...
or is crackers and tuna enough?
The fridge in the kitchen has cottage cheese there...
When you open the door...
do you see it's not bare...
Tame the beast from with in...
and you will be thin............
Tell me sandy are you hungry tonight?!
Too funny!
Thanks again everyone for your kind thoughts. I look forward to another 2 yrs of growth right along side you all!
Here's to Us!

Who loves ya Babushka??????
It was such a fun night and I will never forget the look on your face when your pic flashed up on the screen in front of the whole auditorium!! Absolutely priceless!! And yes...they operate on our stomachs, not our heads!!
I may have orchestrated it by sending the pic to Dr. Floch to add to the presentation, but believe me when I tell you that Bobo is not as innocent as he claims to be!!!! He was in on it from the beginning (and Byrne too)!!
I'm so glad you enjoyed your rebirthday my friend and we'll be together to share many, many more!!
Kim K.