July 4th
I have completed all my required test and I am now waiting for a call from the doctors office to set up a date for the surgery. Last week when I thought I was all done, the cardiologist reported that there were some irregularities found during my stress test and that I would need to undergo a cardio catherization. Well, I was worried. The doctor told me that if I need a stint that I wouldn't be able to have my gastric bipass between 6 to 12 months after the stint was done. Good news! I had my cardicatherization yesturday and they found that my issue can be treated with medicine and that my gastric surgery is still on. Whew.............that was a close one.
Hi Joella, Great News from your doctor and thank them for doing the great job that they did to catch the problem and look into it before they cleared you for surgery. As important as this "Journey" is it's more important that you are ready both physcally and mentally to start it! Bless You and Best of luck as you begin your Trec to the" Losing Side"