The Beach, Part 2
Went to the beach today and did some people watching, thinking about the post on ""the beach" a couple of days ago...Looked at the skinny people, looked at the fat people, thought about where I fall....And you know what????
It didnt matter.....
Being at the beach, looking at people in their bathing suits, made me realize something.
Now, I want to make sure I say exactly what I mean,,,,so...
I know we complain about out our "imperfections", the saggy skin, the belly that just wont go away, the bat-wings,,,etc, etc...
All the while it's easy to "admire" how other people look, the ones that ""have the perfect body""..You know, the grass is always greener.....
Well, at the beach, almost nobody has the perfect body....Even the beautiful people have imperfections that are visible on the beach.....The very people whose amazing beauty we admire when they have their clothes on, those very people have all kinds of imperfections...thighs that are not so tight, saggy butts, dimpled thighs, big bellies....flat butts. They probably obsess about their imperfections just as much as we obsess about ours. The grass is not necessarily greener on the other side,,,,We all have our imperfections, and we all have our beauty....It's just that , out of insecurity perhaps, we are more likely to obsess about the things we dont like about our own looks, while at the same time we notice all that is beautiful about the beautiful people..
In the end, we have just as much beauty as they do, inner beauty, AND outer beauty, We just need to see it in ourselves and stop looking for faults in ourselves..
How about a toast to all the beautiful people.....A toast to us.......
Happy July 4th to all my BEAUTIFUL Friends here!!!!!!
Dear Esther,
Thanks for your message. Here is my reply to Bree:-
Dear Bree,
It sounds to me as if you are very close to achieving optimum restriction if you ate less than you normally would have previously - and knew that it was time to stop eating. Everyone seems to have a different experience of attaining restriction and perhaps the hardest thing is to know when your body is sending you a signal to "back away from the table", but you knew what to do... Bravo. Let the games begin!
For me it took longer for the message to get through. Learning to drive this band can be a lengthier process for some than others, and perhaps I am a slow learner. I kept making the same mistakes over again, and the worst was ignoring the 'stop' signal. That led to PB'ing and sliming for a while, but now I know better.
You are way ahead of where I was at the same stage kiddo, so good luck to you!
Best wishes in learning to drive and love your band.
See you tomorrow evening!