Food log
Hi Folks! Hope everyone is having a good Holiday.
B Turkey and cheese roll up
S 1/2 a banana
L 3oz's seafood salad over a litte lettuce
S Protien Shake after gym
D Having family over for supper so made Lasana, as well as some other pasta to go along with my mother in Laws Yummy sauce!. Will just have some salad as Holiday weekends can turn into "Feeding Frenzy's .
Ray and I hit the gym after i got home from work and got good workouts in. It's funny how good it feels to take yourself to the limit and get those last few reps it! What a rush!
Gotta go hop in the shower then get cooking! Take care Al!

B Protein Coffee, decaf
S coffee
L 2 southbeach highprotein cereal bars
S 1/2 green pepper with 2 slices of turkey
D....Not sure yet...Hubby marinated some porkchops and I may have some of that along with some veggies
OKOKOKOK I know Julio...Protein Coffee does not a breakfast make....BUT...I really get way more hungry and eat more if I have a "real" breakfast...
and my protein coffee has 20 grams of I still think it's a good start...
As far as exersize is concerned, taking a day off today....been exersizing like a maniac , swimming saturday and Swimming Lots sunday,,,pulled a muscle in my lower back ...need a little break
Have a great July 4th everyone...
protein coffee is my own concoction....I make a latte with simply smart milk, and add 2/3 of s scoop of "anywhey" protein powder. The "anywhey" powder doesn't get denatured as easily as some of the other powders and holds up better to, I still have to be "gentle" when I add it in, so, I add it to a little bit of cold milk, stirr, and then I slowly add the boiled milk, then coffee...I flavor the whole deal with sugar free DaVinci vanilla syrup.......yummy, and has 20 to 25 grams of protein....