Advice on my leak
Hi everyone. I had my revision gastric bypass on May 31st and thank you so much for all the well wishes i received on here. Unfortunately I had some complications and I had to spend much of this month in the hospital with an infection and a leak. I have not eaten anything by mouth since May 30th and i'm going nuts. I'm home now but I have to feed myself with isosource thru my feeding tube and I give myself and IV antibiotic everynight. I have home health care nurses that check on me 3 times a week. Has anyone else out there dealt with a leak in your new pouch? It's been over 3 weeks and I would think it should heal by now. The Doc is waiting for it to heal on it's own. I don't think he wants to go 'back in' for fear that he may run into more problems (my guess). Any advice would be helpful. Living with a JP drain in my side, a feeding tube in my stomach, and an IV pic in my arm is very demeaning. I don't even go out in public. And I'm dying to taste something. The most I do is gargle with mouthwash. Thanks for listening.
Hello Stacey- I had a leak in my pouch also, but it finally healed while I was still in the hospital. My stay was 12 days and they had to redo the whole surgery 2 days after part of the intestine got a kink in it and died and the new pouch they made developed a hole. Dr. Barba was also my doctor. I was lucky and did not get an infection. I hear alot of people get infections and they are very difficult to heal. I wish you a quick recovery because it must be very hard to not have eaten anything for so long. Make sure you get enough rest and keep up with the struggle. You have come a long way Baby!!!! We are always here for you so keep us posted. Jesse
Hi stacey,
My GBS was 13 months ago. In March of this year I developed complications and almost died. I went home with a G-tube, a PIC line, I fed myself through my vain and not to mention the IV medication and antibiotics. Girl it was hell. I did not taste food for about a month. I could'nt go outside if I wanted to because I was so week plus people stared at my like they were seeing a ghost. My sense of humor got me through that one!! When I finally could have ice chips I was like a kid at christmas. I am so happy I followed the doctors instructions because I am much healthier now that I was even before this whole ordeal. Keep posting, it is a good release. I couldn't do much but sitting at the computer and going to this board got me through the worst time in my life. I will keep you in my thoughts and in my prayers. You will get through this and back to your normal self.
Hi stacey,
well I did not have any complications as of yet,but I know people whom did,I just want to tell you to hang in there and be strong,you will get thru it in no time,please follow instructions,dont be afraid to go out,sometimes it helps to get out,go to a park if you feel well enough,take a walk,just keep the faith,good luck,and be well,,keep postin,,,always,,,cyndee