Hi Everybody,
I received email from my interpreter , Karl, who said he cannot come to be my interpreterthis Saturday because of weather . I won t be there because I hate to feel left out without understand from large group of people what they said and will feel lost from this and cannot catch up what people said. I am sorry. I will see you all for next event this Fall.
Have fun at party
Kathy K
Okay Kathy,
I am really bummed, I cant believe your not going to come, your going to be so missed at this event. Please reconsider coming we are all there and can help you with talking to everyone.
Please change your mind and come. I will be your interpreter if you want. I will try my best to help you communicate with everyone and I know Julio, Mare, Joanie, Kim K, Bob, Magaly, and all the rest of the gang will help too.
Love ya
Please don't let that stop you from coming. I am sure we can all work together so that you don't feel left out. Julio is right.... maybe one of our activities can be signing lessons....wink. Really, though, I know that it must be difficult to be in a large group without an interpreteur, but please reconsider coming..... PRETTY PLEASE WITH SPLENDA ON TOP???
So Kathy -
This guy is an interpreter not a psychic right? So what is it that he knows about the weather that we don't?? I'm thinking a 'chance of showers' in CT can mean anything from bright sun to passing clouds that spit a few drops to some hit and miss rain showers 'somewhere' in the state!
Now - you better have a talk with him because unless I'm wrong - we humans don't melt - we're going to be under a pavillion - and you're paying him for his time.
What am I missing here???
I better see you there woman!!! Psychic or not!

hi kathy,
oh please dont feel like that,,we will all help you understand what we say,besides,my husband says the only thing that hasnt shrunk on me is my mouth,so it shouldnt be hard to understand me..lol..i was and am so looking forward to meeting you,you have been such a great support for me..please re-think this,,and like carla says,,you should have a chat with the enterpretor,,,its gonna be a sun shiny day.cyndee