Surgery Date 6/20/2006
Hello Everyone,
I read the forum daily, but don't make many posts. My surgery date is scheduled for 6/20/2006. I am a bit nervous, but also very excited. My wife Paula has been an inspiration for me. She has shown me the way. I know that this is the best option for me. I have struggled for the better part of 15 years with my weight.
You will be fine Bob- you have the best surgeon in the world- just ask your wife (granted you may not think he's as cute as Paula and I do) Just remember- there will be no sympathy at home so take all you can get in the hospital. Also remember its 16 laps around the unit a day- that's the Aranow way!!!!
You will be great- and your wife already test drove all the bariatric products for you- so you should have smooth sailing ahead!!!!!