Yet another reason to Exercise?
Ok...So I have a story to tell.
I do hope it does not offend anyone.
Last night my exercising nut of a hubby and I are talking in the kitchen about the day... doing nightly chores ... you know... getting ready for the next day... making dinner, etc.
as he walks by me he pats my behind.
He then says... "oh my! you are getting some defiinition!"
He continues by saying...
"Look honey... you glutes are defining from the exercise!
(My husband is training to become a personal trainer)
After 20 years of marriage and not still used to NOT being morbidly obese...
My wifely reaction:
"Gee thanks" ... giving him the "stop touching me I am busy" wife reaction.
Then he says he is going to pat my behind at work today!
Then comes the wifely look shot across the kitchen... you know.. the one that zaps right through iron? I WARN him not to or else (he will not of course).
Now as he was just leaving (for the gym) he says to me...
"Please don't stop exercising because you might be afraid of my attention."
I of course become a bit defensive and say ...
"It's not that black and white you know. blah blah blah..."
He reiterates saying...
"I will just have to not show you if I am attracted to you. KEEP EXERCISING!"
This all said the day I want to lax on exercising !!!
Guess i must exercise today, huh?

>>>Guess i must exercise today, huh?
You bet! Keep tightening those glutes!!! You never know what's next!!!!