"Supersize Surgery" series on WE Television
A friend just brought this program to my attention. Neither of us has seen the first episode, which airs this week, but the series sounds like it could be interesting. It airs Tuesday nights at 10, with a rebroadcast Wednesdays overnight at 1:30 am on WE Television.
Unable to fit on a plane, walk up stairs or see his feet, Nick knows that surgery is his only hope...but what happens when he's too big to be operated on? Meanwhile, Jackie's surgery has reduced her stomach to the size of a golf ball, and Nurse Oona is pioneering a new procedure.
42-year-old Franny has gone from a size 24 to a size 12! The problem: her skin has lost its elasticity, and Franny now faces the first of four major body lift surgeries. At the same time, Nick desperately tries to make operating weight, and Jackie struggles with her all-liquid diet.
Nick has lost a significant amount of weight and has been cleared for surgery. Unfortunately, his size still poses major health risks, including a chance of heart attack or stroke during the operation. How will Nick fare in the O.R.?
In the past year, Franny's lost almost 140 pounds! Unfortunately, this amazing accomplishment has wreaked havoc on her body; she's about to undergo yet another body lift surgery to eliminate excess skin. Meanwhile, 21-year-old Kerry is desperate to have the surgery that could help end her struggle with obesity. Will she be able to afford the $15,000 procedure?
I don't know if there are more than 4 episodes, WE's online schedule didn't go into July.
December 2003
Gotta tell ya, The way these shows are described they don't sound like the people producing it are very big on weight loss surgery. While we all know there are risk's to just about any surgery, there are also benifits. Not having seen these shows to see if they show the positive side of our surgerys, will hold off judgement on the true reason why they are being aired. Would love to know who sponsered the series. Thanks for the" Heads Up"
I don't know who, if anyone, sponsored it originally. It was produced last year by a British production company.
I don't know who's sponsoring it over here, on WE. (chuckles) What do you want to bet that the show is surrounded by ads for Taco Bell, Coke, Pizza Hut, Cheetos, etc., not to mention Weigh****chers and Jenny Craig.
(laughs) Pretty funny, though, that at the bottom of the link it says it's " a betty production". That ain't ME, but it's a weird "Six degrees of separation" kind of thing.
Bette (with a "e")