Well, I updated you all on my pregnancy the other day...
Thought I would add some pictures.. In the link below are ultrasounds pictures, belly pictures, and crib pictures... I also threw in a before and after picture.. lol
Hope you like them!
Congratulations Beckie...
A little girl! How wonderful! Enjoy your pregnancy (it does go by quick) and enjoy her while she's soooo tiny and not able to talk back!
Once they start walking & talking forget about it! My son turned 11 in April and it seems like I was just bringing him home yesterday.
This is a special time for you...make and enjoy the most of it!
Warm wishes,
Congratulations! Such an exciting time in your life!!
I have to tell you one of the best things we had in the house was the book what to expect the first year - we used to keep in right on the counter and we called it the owners manual! We consulted that book at lot in the first year - especially the first couple of months!! Enjoy every moment............nothing in my life has been more fulfilling than to be a Mom! It is an awesome responsibility and the rewards are just overwhelming!
Best Regards,
P.S. the crib is beautiful and I love the name!!