Plastic surgery cautionary tale?
[Disclaimer: It's not like I work for HBO or anything. I just saw this posted on Yahoo news and thought it might be of interest . . . ]
HBO probes plastic surgery disasters
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - For years, airbrushed magazine photos and such TV shows as ABC's "Extreme Makeover" and Fox's "The Swan" have turned remaking yourself into an attainable magic brought with the flick of a scalpel or the brush of a suction hose. Reality, however, tends to intrude, as HBO's hour-long documentary "Plastic Disasters" points out in graphic detail.
Intercutting the stories of three unfortunates who wanted relatively minor tweaks (a face-lift, liposuction and a nose job) "Disasters" leads viewers through nightmares of ruinous results beyond anyone's imagination. The tone is blunt and frank but not exploitative: One woman, best thought of as a survivor rather than a beneficiary, volunteers her shark attack-like scars to the camera.
"Disasters" is not dinnertime viewing; surgery scenes are gory and frequent. But they are worth acknowledging even with averted eye, to convey the message that plastic surgery is surgery -- with no promises of results or guarantee of repair of mistakes. As one patient notes toward the end, "Looking back on it, that little bump on my nose wasn't really such a bump at all." "Disasters" is a vividly cautionary tale that should be required viewing for anyone contemplating voluntary plastic surgery today.
Hi Christine, I hear what your saying! After my talk with the Plastic Surgeon and he told me about the whole procedure,the risks, recovery, I was quite shocked! Still not sold on it but going thru the process as I will not get it done before the late fall anyway if I decide to go for it! For now just excersizing to see how much I can tighten things up. Take care, Julio